
How to Start an Etsy Shop with Clemta

Starting an Etsy shop requires more steps than you think. Our new blog post will guide you through every step of this process.
Young male florist working in flower shop

How to Start an Etsy Shop with Clemta

Table of Contents

Whether you wish to sell personalized drumsticks, folding art, or handmade jewelry, Etsy shop provides a solid e-commerce platform for selling unique and creative products. It’s free to get started, and plenty of active buyers are interested in what you offer. Why not give it a try?

Having an Etsy shop is quite easy, and in just a few minutes, you can earn extra money with your creativity. Though, depending on where you are located in the world, you might face some difficulties – especially regarding the methods you receive your payments. To run your business smoothly, you will need a company founded in the US.

Starting a business in America is easy and fast if you know where to seek help! As Clemta, we hold your hand at every step and handle all the complex, tedious, and bureaucratic procedures for you.

Do not know where to start? Then, you have come to the right place. We will guide you through the whole process, answer your questions and give you some tips for success.

1. Create Your Etsy Account

2. Configure Your Shop Preferences

3. Name Your Etsy Shop in a Unique Way

4. Add Products to Your Etsy Shop

5. Set Up Your Etsy Shop’s Payment Preferences

6. Etsy Billing Preferences

1. Create Your Etsy Account

On the Etsy home page, scroll down and click Sell on Etsy. This will open a new landing page. On this page (see image below), click “Get Started”. You will be asked to enter your email address and then click “Continue.” Alternatively, you can sign up with your Google or Facebook account. Then, enter your first name and a password and click “Register.” This will take you to another Etsy seller landing page where you click the “Open your Etsy Shop” button to access the Shop Manager.

2. Configure Your Shop Preferences

Once you are in the Shop Manager section of your account, you will need to set your Shop preferences. Enter your preferred language, country, and currency before selecting what type of selling you want on Etsy – whether you wish to sell full-time or part-time, and what your goals are (this does not affect your store; it’s just for Etsy). “Click Save” and continue to the bottom right of the page.

3. Name Your Etsy Shop in a Unique Way

On the next screen, you will be prompted to enter the name of your preferred store and click “Check Availability.” You have 20 characters for your store name, which cannot contain spaces, numbers, or accented letters. If the name you enter is already taken, Etsy will offer you several variations, or you can try an entirely new name. When you find an available name, click “Save and Continue” at the bottom of the page.

4.  Add Products to Your Etsy Shop

After setting up your store and selecting a proper name, it’s time to add products. To increase your visibility, Etsy recommends posting at least ten different listings.

Firstly, you need to upload photos of the products. Ideally, you should add at least five pictures for each, but you can add up to 10 photos. This is very useful because it allows potential customers to see the product from different angles. It also allows you to show the product in different variations, such as colors, sizes, and more.

Next, you need to customize the thumbnail, the first photo someone sees when they come across your product.

After that, you need to list all the item details. Choose a title that describes your product, go to the description section, offer more detailed information about the product, mention the materials, and add tags. The good news is that you can optimize your product for search engines, as you have a feature that lets you see your listing in Google search results.

Determine a price for the product by considering how much you worked on it, how many materials you used, and shipping materials and shipping costs.

If you have a product that comes in different varieties, such as multiple colors and sizes, you should also list those. Select whether or not you offer personalization of the product.

5.  Set up Your Etsy Shop’s Payment Preferences

Since you need to get paid for your work, you must choose suitable payment methods. Remember that you must decide whether you are a registered legal entity, an individual, or a sole proprietorship.

If you are an incorporated business, you must provide the business name, state, address, EIN, and business registration number. Finally, you must indicate the business owner’s address, name, date of birth, and the last digits of their social security number.

If you’re not an incorporated business yet or want to set up an Etsy shop to sell in the US market as an alien, Clemta offers customized services. The services you need include forming a US business (LLC&C-Corp), creating a bank account, a business address and phone number, an EIN/ITIN, accounting, and tax filings.

However, if you are an individual or sole proprietor, you only need to provide your full name, state, address, date of birth, phone number, and last digits of your social security number.

Select the country where your bank is located. You will need to enter your checking or savings account number as well as your routing number.

In order to accept payments, the store owner must select a preferred method. If you know how to set up a PayPal account, you can use PayPal. However, you can also choose Etsy Payments, check or money order, or “Other.”

6.  Etsy Billing Preferences

Choose your billing preferences. You may need to enter your credit card and place a credit card on file for Etsy to calculate sales fees.

US sellers can also opt for automatic billing, so the site will automatically bill you for all sales fees.

Now, you have reached the end of the process. Just click on “Open Your Shop”, and you are done!

As Clemta, we would be happy to be a part of your journey on Etsy and assist you along the way!


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